Our projects are always developed in cooperation with other established associations in Germany on the one hand and NGOs in crisis countries, particularly in Africa, on the other. The preferred form of cooperation is as follows: A German association collects donations for its partner NGO and supports and advises the organization on all strategic issues.
The foreign NGO is responsible for the day-to-day project work in the construction and maintenance of social facilities such as kindergartens, schools, educational centers, boarding schools, orphanages, sports complexes, etc.
The Werner Erkes Foundation offers itself as a third partner for the financing of new or further major projects.

goes further

The foundation always strives for a long-term partnership, which also provides for the assumption of pro rata maintenance costs if required. The successful cooperation is based on a trusting, lively and intensive exchange. Fundamental decisions regarding the development of the projects are always made jointly.
No rule without exception: the boarding school and the sports hall in Victoria are owned by the foundation and are made available to the Lahai-Roi association free of charge. However, the close cooperation is comparable to that described above.

Our projects in Eastern Europe 
and Sub-Saharan Africa

In addition to the boarding school and sports hall in the border town of Victoria in Romania, further projects to promote education are also being considered in Ukraine and Bulgaria, for example.


Victoria, Romania 🇷🇴 

Boarding school for boys and girls

Victoria, Romania 🇷🇴 

Multifunctional sports and event hall


In East Africa, numerous schools, kindergartens and boarding schools are already being built or planned to improve education in Uganda and other countries.



Kasese, Uganda 🇺🇬 

Horizon Primary School, kindergarten and boarding school


Masaka, Uganda 🇺🇬 

International School of Music, Languages and Polytechnic Studies (IMLS)


Masaka, Uganda 🇺🇬 

Teaching kitchen and catering


Nkamba, Rwanda 🇷🇼 



We are still looking for competent partners for the planned projects in West Africa. We are already gaining initial experience there with partners in Senegal and Ghana.



Kaolack, Senegal 🇸🇳 

"Elhadj Diouf" kindergarten and elementary school


Kaolack, Senegal 🇸🇳 

Multifunctional sports facility


Hobor, Ghana 🇬🇭 

Primary School


The first ODEC education center has been in operation in Namibia since January 2024. Construction of another school will begin in summer 2024 and further projects are being planned.


Swakopmund, Namibia 🇳🇦 

Open Doors Education Centre ODEC


Swakopmund, Namibia 🇳🇦 

DRC School Project & Community Centre


"A child, a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education is the beginning of everything."

Malala Yousafzai, children's rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner

Werner Erkes Stiftung, Marc-Chagall-Straße 146, 40477 Düsseldorf, Germany: Werner Erkes, E-Mail: erkes@erkes.de

Büroadresse: Toulouser Allee 4, 40211 Düsseldorf

Werner Erkes Foundation East Africa: Dr. Joseph Wasswa, E-Mail: wasswa@erkes.de

Werner Erkes Foundation Southwest Africa: Volkan Sazli, E-Mail: sazli@erkes.de

Werner Erkes Foundation West Africa: Dr. Djiby Diouf: E-Mail: diouf@erkes.de

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